Breathe a sigh of relief: The last eclipse of the year is almost here.
The second eclipse of October occurs on Saturday, Oct. 28. Unlike the one on Oct. 14, which was a solar eclipse, this is a lunar eclipse. During lunar eclipses, the full moon — in this case, October's full Hunter Moon — takes on a red hue.
Read on for details about the upcoming lunar eclipse and how it may affect you.
How can you see Oct. 28’s lunar eclipse? Where will it be visible?
The lunar eclipse will be visible from the eastern hemisphere, per Those in the western hemisphere will be able to watch the lunar eclipse via livestream, including one on TimeAndDate.
What are the astrological effects of the lunar eclipse?
Astrologers say lunar eclipses shed light on the aspects of our lives that we need to focus on or change. This eclipse is asking us to plant seeds for the future. We are being celestially tasked to create a life for ourselves that is rich and fulfilling. Now is the time to run towards what makes us happiest and where we feel the most loved.
The lunar eclipse in Taurus aspects Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. With all of these planets heavily impacting our emotions, it’ll be hard to see straight — especially since Jupiter opposes Mercury and Mars the same day. This aspect heightens drama and creates gossip. Information will be discovered and secrets will be revealed as the moon empowers us to move towards our fate.
The good news is that the Taurus moon is dependable and reliable, acting as a stabilizing force.
What does the lunar eclipse have in store for your sign?
You’re not one to stand by the sidelines and wait for life to pass you by. But, you’re now seeing that being aggressive isn't necessarily helping either. Find a middle ground for sustainability.
You like getting your way — but don't inflict that way on others. Keep your stubbornness to yourself this month, and let others go their own way.
Though you tend to be logical, you’re finding that your gut is more accurate than reason. Lean into your intuition in order to understand situations on a deeper level. This will help you comprehend the motivations of others, as well as your actions and feelings.
Connecting with your social circle is fun and brings you joy. At the same time, it can get exhausting. Know when it’s time to end the party and go home. You won’t become a pumpkin at midnight, but your moodiness might come out because it’s past your bedtime. Take care of yourself and rest.
Shifts at work might have you thinking about the next steps to take to climb the corporate ladder. This is a prime time for you to show off your skills and attain the praise you deserve. Change is a good thing!
You prefer to be in charge of every single detail. What happens if you're not? Put down your microscope and enjoy, instead, life viewed from the perspective of the big picture.
It’s time to get your finances in order. Take charge of the things that you were ignoring or putting off to next month. Yes, it might be painful. Yes, it will be worth it.
Your relationships are taking a lot from you. Although you want to give all of yourself to others, you must set boundaries to ensure that they don’t consume your energy on a daily basis. You’ll be thankful that you took some of your power back during the eclipse.
Take a break from your daily stresses and focus on healing your body, mind, and spirit. A restorative and meditative massage, bath or walk in nature will serve to revitalize your energy. The more time you spend connecting with yourself, the better you’ll feel. This will be your seasonal awakening.
You’re gaining momentum and insights in a creative project that you began months ago. Use the eclipse energy to build upon your artistry and showcase your talents for the world to see. Do not shy away from letting your abilities and skills be known. Shine a light on them now,
The lunar eclipse is hitting your chart close to home, making you extremely protective of your personal life and those you care about. Be the mother hen to your close friends and family members, but don’t smother them and let them roam free. Respect their autonomy with a watchful eye.
Gossip in your peer group could get in the way of you being able to connect with acquaintances. Don’t let what people say stand in the way of the opinions you have. Be your own person and make your own decisions when it comes to friendships.